Machine Learning and skill mismatch: the role of e-learning

Ai Underwriting

Faced with a shortage of highly skilled workers and a surplus of medium-skilled workers, companies that focus on training and growing in-house workers may have a better chance of closing the ML talent gap than companies looking to hire external candidates. Jobs that require technological and analytical skills take twice as long to fill, so it is essential to expand your IT talent pool by attracting employees who may not have experience for this type of role. Traditional e-learning programs do not allow teams and HR managers to have the level of knowledge necessary to assess their workforce and determine who might be a good candidate to retrain in new functions of ML underwriting.

Bridging the gap in the talent pool by starting from the inside

Document-based or video-based programs do not track employee skills by themselves, while modern e-learning tools offer comprehensive visibility into skills and pinpoint analysis of where gaps might lie. With this type of information, it’s easier to make targeted decisions about how to structure your teams and who might be a useful resource. While modern e-learning tools offer complete visibility of skills, an accurate analysis of gaps could be found. With this type of information, it’s easier to make targeted decisions about how to structure your teams and who might be a useful resource. Modern e-learning tools offer complete visibility of skills and an accurate analysis of where gaps could be found. With this type of information, it’s easier to make targeted decisions about how to structure your teams and who might be a useful resource.

Ai Underwriting

Making employee conversations digital

The most effective workplace learning occurs through the daily interactions that employees have with their managers and colleagues. By bringing conversations online and integrating learning programs with a solid social component, companies can reap the benefits of those conversations across their entire workforce. The ability to centralize key information and resources in one defined place and strategically distribute them throughout the company is the recipe for the success of any corporate learning program.